Tuesday, March 03, 2009


New York, New York is a place I have always wanted to go to! This last month Adam had to travel for business to upstate New York and I was able to travel with him. We had so much fun!

New York from the car!

Times Square

First Meal in New York - We chose Indian - YUMMY!

From New York we drove to Rhode Island the first night and stayed in a hotel in Pawtucket. My Great Aunt Alyce and some of here children live in the area so we were able to see her in Lincoln along with two of her daughters, Jeannie and Ally on Sunday.
Holly and Aunt Alyce
Jeannie, Holly, Aunt Alyce and Ally

Holly, Aunt Alyce and Adam

Following an amazing breakfast with family, we worshipped at Hosanna Family Church of Pawtucket. Adam met Pastor Tory MacDonald and his wife, AnnMarie, last summer and they graciously invited Adam to preach. We loved fellowshipping with them and our only regret is that since it was raining we don't have any pictures of the church or this blessed church family. For more info see their website at http://www.hosannafamily.com/

From Rhode Island we drove to Schroon Lake, New York in the evening. The drive was fun except for one short part where we hit a little snow storm. Thankfully it was not too bad!

Adam woked an event in Schroon Lake at the Word of Life Institue and here are some pictures from Schroon...lots and lots of snow!

Maple Leaf Motel

Word of Life Buildings

Schroon Lake

An example of a house at Schroon Lake
After the event was over we decided to drive north to Lake Placid where the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics were held. It was really neat to see the sites there. We had to drive on this tiny road and couldn't believe the whole world traveled to Lake Placid for the Olympics. What a neat town!These ski jumps are so impresive in person and we couldn't believe people
actually ski down these things!

Site of the 1980 Miracle on Ice Event where the US men's ice hockey team
beat the USSR team

Some cities have mall walkers but in Lake Placid they have Ice Hockey Rink Walkers!

Dinner in Lake Placid


Rebecca said...

Thanks for sharing. It sound like an amazing journey!

Mike said...

Looks like you had a great time. Its nice to be able to follow your adventures from Joliet. Keep on truckin', nephew!

Krista said...

Holls, that looks like an amazing trip! How special to take a little trip by yourselves!

P.S.--you look adorable :)