Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Digital Camera

We played inside today and I was taking pictures of the kids when Cosie asked if she could take some pictures...here is her artwork!

Here is where Cosie said, "Mommy, les play 1, 2, 3, fall back. I take picture of you when you fall, sound good? ok?"

"Now you take picture of me mommy."
I had to sneak one of Charlie!
Charlie and Mommy Falling
"Mommy, I take picture of my sad face."
"Now you be sad Mommy...cry Mommy"
"I take picture of my uh oh face Mommy."


Sharad Yadav said...

Frickin' cute family, Adam! Haven't updated it in awhile, but here's ours:


Hope all is well with you!

Snappy Chique said...

Adam and Holly!!! Oh my the kids are sooo big. I have not seen Cosette since she was a baby and come to think of it we have not seen ya'll since the wedding!!!!

We have to all get together SOON!!!!! Oh BTW Michael and I are expecting again! This time I get my girl!!!! Hmmm, I think a total of 7 is enough for us now! God's perfect number!

Here is my blog! http://scrapangeldesigns.blogspot.com

Snappy Chique said...

E-mail me your contact info!!! loriann_watson@yahoo.com so we can get together!