Last night Charlie Groza was born. He is named after my dad, William Charles Groza. Praise God for a complication free pregnancy and delivery. In this photo, I am giving Charlie his first bath. Like his sister, Charlie was born at the Birth and Women's Center in Dallas, which we cannot recommend highly enough (http://www.birthcenter.net/). Holly and I arrived at the Birth Center at 4:30 PM. Since she was in the beginning stages of labor, the midwife recommended we go to dinner and then try to walk around the mall. We had dinner, but by that time the contractions were getting close and more intense. We arrived back at the Birth Center at 6:30 PM and Charlie was born at just past 8:30 PM (delivery room pictured above). Holly only had to push for 4 minutes! Charlie was born weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. at 20 inches long. At the Birth Center, dad gives the baby his first bath providing mom a chance to rest (pictures above). Notice from the picture that Charlie's ears are under water. The midwives commented that this recreates the sound and feel of the womb. As you can see, it definitely has a calming effect, putting him right to sleep! After having a late-night snack of crepes and quesadilla we left for home at 1:30 AM and had a good night's rest. Cosette stayed with the Collins' family (who have 6 excellent playmates for her) from church last night and we look forward to introducing her to Charlie.
SIMPLY AWESOME!! How thrilled we are to know of God's grace to you, Holly, Adam, and Cosie during Charlie's birth. Thank you for the privilege of praying for you and for the joy of rejoicing with you!
Let us know when we can bring you a meal. (Also, the invite for Sunday is still open if you want to be brave enough to take us up on it! Don't hesitate to ask for a rain check if you would rather have the quiet of home.) Keep us posted!
Yeah! Welcome Charlie! We are so happy for you! We can't wait to meet him! We praise God with you that he arrived without any complications!
What a blessing, you must be thrilled!
Good job, Dad and Mom!
Congratulations on the addition to your family! What wonderful news.
Charlie is so cute! What a beautiful baby! :-)
Congratulations! We are so happy for you all. We are glad that there were no complications and that Charlie has finally arrived.
Congratulations Adam and Holly!
Charlie looks very handsome. May he bring much joy to your home.
In Christ,
Miles Mullin
Congratulations Adam and Holly! I'm so glad you have shared your amazing experience with me. Charlie is beautiful. Matt and I will keep you all in our thoughts.
Much love...your cousin,
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